Posted 30 Jun
Rachael Liddell is one of many young Scots passionate about singing and about opera. She spoke recently to OperaScotland about her plans, including her first recital at the Fringe.
Rachael Liddell is a recent graduate from Edinburgh Napier University. She graduated in July 2015, majoring in vocal performance with a classical music degree. She's now working as a vocal teacher, something she started in September 2015. At the moment she's not only teaching but also taking as many performing opportunities as possible. Her aim is to study for a master's degree in the next couple of years and then move step by step towards a career.
OperaScotland: What is your favourite opera?
Rachael Liddell: My favourite opera is Marriage of Figaro. I think I'm slightly biased towards Marriage of Figaro because it was the first opera I saw. I think that's true with any artform. Whatever your first experience is it's just really special. It was amazing. It was Scottish Opera in 2010 and it was an incredible production. I love the story which is about everyday man. It's very accessible.
OS: How can we get more people to try opera?
RL: Putting on more workshops and giving the kids a feel for what they were doing. I remember Scottish Opera coming to my High School in 2008 and doing extracts from the Merry Widow with a young cast, giving us a feel for what they were doing. I think bringing opera to kids is important; if you get the kids excited they want to take their parents.
OS: And you're performing at the Fringe?
RL: Yes, with a friend Jamie Lang, a great young pianist. We're both very excited and looking forward to it very much. It's on Monday 15 August at 4.30pm in St Andrews and St George's West!
Watch the clip of Rachael now
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