Opera Scotland

New on the website in October

Posted 16 Nov 2012

Despite being offline for some days through network problems, having to replace a router and taking time off to see the ROH Ring in London, we have been able to make more additions to the website.

Notes have been added about Josefa Gassier, Catherine Gayer, Samuel Hirst and Beatrice Miranda.

Also you can now read about performances of Colomba (1883)Martha (1888)Maritana (1889)Norma (1890), Otello (1892) and Promessi Sposi (1881; 1932)

As our work on Carl Rosa continues, we are filling in some missing details.  Do any of our readers have any information about his second wife Josephine? After his death she played a role in the company until the early 1920s.  If you do, please let us know.


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