Opera Scotland

Jerome Knox Suggest updates

Born Harrow.

English baritone.

Jerome Knox graduated in Classical Studies at the University of Edinburgh, before studying singing in London at the Royal College of Music with Russell Smythe.

In London he has worked with Garden Opera (Don Giovanni) and Co-Opera Co (Masetto). Other appearances include Euphonia / Rye Arts (Leporello); Euphonia / Drayton Arms Theatre (Don Pomponio La Gazzetta, Armchair L'Enfant et les Sortilèges, Oreste Iphigénie en Tauride) and Ryedale Festival (Melisso Alcina).

Operatic work in Scotland includes Edinburgh Studio Opera (Nick Shadow The Rake's Progress, Somnus Semele, Badger and Harašta The Cunning Little Vixen); Magnetic Opera (Schaunard) and Lammermuir Festival / Perth Concert Hall (Melisso Alcina).

While at RCM he created the role of W H Auden in Iain Burnside's Journeying Boys. He performed Cole Porter songs at the Royal Albert Hall and was a soloist at the Edinburgh Jazz Festival. His concert repertoire includes Bach (St John Passion, Christmas Oratorio); Handel (Dixit Dominus, Alexander's Feast, Messiah); Haydn (Creation, St Cecilia Mass, Nelson Mass); Rossini (Petite Messe Solenelle); Puccini (Messa di Gloria); Fauré (Requiem); Vaughan Williams (Five Mystical Songs) and Duruflé (Requiem).

(Source - Programme notes 2016)

Roles in Scotland

Melisso tutor to Bradamante
Alcina 2016
Schaunard a musician
Bohème 2016
Pallante a freedman
Agrippina 2017
Johann Faust Doctor of Philosophy and Medecine
Fiery Angel 2017
Falke a notary and friend of Eisenstein
Fledermaus 2017
Emperor of Atlantis 2018

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