Opera Scotland

Joyce Wright Suggest updates

Born Leicester, 23 June 1922.

Died 26 August 2020.

English mezzo-soprano.

Joyce Wright grew up in Glasgow, and joined the chorus of the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company in June 1947.  She soon began to sing small solo roles in the company's wide repertoire of Gilbert and Sullivan operettas.  She became the company's principal soubrette in 1951, continuing to perform those parts until she left the company in 1962.

The roles she performed included Hebe HMS Pinafore;  Kate & Edith Pirates of Penzance;  Lady Angela Patience;  title role Iolanthe;  Lady Psyche Princess Ida;  Pitti-Sing The Mikado;  Mad Margaret Ruddigore;   Phoebe Yeomen of the Guard and Tessa The Gondoliers.

Her recordings began in 1949 with Kate in Pirates, then in 1959 Hebe Pinafore , ending in 1961 with Tessa The Gondoliers.

Roles in Scotland

Hebe Sir Joseph's First Cousin
H M S Pinafore 1956
Pitti-Sing Yum-Yum's sister, also Ko-Ko's Ward
Mikado 1958

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