Opera Scotland

Patricia Hay Suggest updates

Born Ayr.

Scottish soprano.

Patricia Hay studied in Glasgow at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music, where roles in student productions included Mistress Ford in The Merry Wives of Windsor (Nicolai). She joined Scottish Opera in 1967. With the company's Opera For All group, her repertoire in the 1967/68 tour included Cio-Cio-San and Donna Anna. The following year she added Violetta and Rosina. Her debut with the main company in the Spring 1968 season was as Cherubino, followed by Woglinde and Kate Pinkerton. She also appeared at the 1968 Edinburgh Festival. Further training in Italy included visits to Mantua to work with Ettore Campogalliani.

She spent most of her subsequent career with Scottish Opera. Her Mozart repertoire included The Marriage of Figaro (both Cherubino and Susanna), Don Giovanni (Zerlina, Donna Elvira), Così fan tutte (Despina) and The Magic Flute (First Lady, Pamina). She also gave many performances of two operetta roles, Valencienne in The Merry Widow and Adele in Die Fledermaus. Other appearances included the 1971 Ring cycle, The Trojans, Fidelio, The Barber of Seville, La bohème, Un ballo in maschera, Don Pasquale, Falstaff, The Two Widows and A Midsummer Night's Dream. She created the roles of Marie in The Undertaker (Purser 1969) and Danielle in Hedda Gabler (Harper 1985).

She maintained an extensive concert career, singing with the SNO and many choral societies around Scotland. Appearances abroad included Oscar with the Netherlands Opera and a visit to the Bergen Festival with the SNO. She later taught for many years in Glasgow at the RSAMD/RCS. Recordings include extracts from the Scottish Opera productions of Un ballo in maschera and The Merry Widow. She can be seen on DVD, in the Warner Video Gilbert and Sullivan series, as Lady Ella in the John Cox staging of Patience.

Roles in Scotland

Countess of Dunmow
Dinner Engagement 1966
First 'Niece'
Peter Grimes 1968
Alfonso and Estrella 1968
Kate Pinkerton
Madam Butterfly 1968
Woglinde a Rhinemaiden
Götterdämmerung 1968
Götterdämmerung 1971
Cherubino the Count's page
Nozze di Figaro 1968
Morgana Alcina's sister and Oronte's lover
Alcina 1969
Ascanius son of Aeneas (Ascagne)
Trojans 1969
Trojans 1972
Gianetta a Contadina
Gondoliers 1969
Undertaker 1969
Flora Bervoix Violetta's friend
Traviata 1970
Traviata 1971
First Lady in attendance on the Queen
Zauberflöte 1970
Zauberflöte 1971
Zauberflöte 1983
Zauberflöte 1985
Zerlina a peasant girl
Don Giovanni 1970
Don Giovanni 1971
Rosina Bartolo's ward
Barbiere di Siviglia 1971
Barbiere di Siviglia 1972
Barbiere di Siviglia 1975
Barbiere di Siviglia 1980
First Noble Orphan
Rosenkavalier 1971
Helmwige a Valkyrie
Valkyrie 1971
Valkyrie 1972
Gabriel an archangel
Creation 1971
Woglinde a Rhinemaiden
Rheingold 1971
Despina maidservant to the sisters
Così fan tutte 1972
Così fan tutte 1975
Seraph Angel
Christ on the Mount of Olives 1972
Susanna the Countess's maid
Nozze di Figaro 1972
Nozze di Figaro 1973
Nozze di Figaro 1977
Valencienne Zeta's wife
Lustige Witwe 1973
Lustige Witwe 1974
Lustige Witwe 1976
Lustige Witwe 1977
Norina a young widow
Don Pasquale 1973
Don Pasquale 1976
Don Pasquale 1977
Israelitish Woman
Judas Maccabaeus 1973
Marzelline Rocco's daughter
Fidelio 1974
Fidelio 1977
Pamina daughter of the Queen of Night
Zauberflöte 1974
Zauberflöte 1974
Musetta a grisette
Bohème 1974
Bohème 1979
Bohème 1981
Adele the Eisensteins' maid
Fledermaus 1975
Fledermaus 1976
Fledermaus 1979
Fledermaus 1981
Messiah 1975
Oscar page to Gustavus (Edgar)
Masked Ball 1975
Voice of the Cockerel
Golden Cockerel 1975
Golden Cockerel 1976
Donna Elvira a lady from Burgos
Don Giovanni 1976
Nannetta daughter of the Fords
Falstaff 1977
Karolina Zaleská a wealthy widow
Two Widows 1979
Two Widows 1980
Helena in love with Demetrius
Midsummer Night's Dream 1979
Midsummer Night's Dream 1980
Midsummer Night's Dream 1982
Hodel Tevye's second daughter
Fiddler on the Roof 1979
Fiddler on the Roof 1986
Lucy Lockit Lockit's daughter
Beggar's Opera 1981
Mademoiselle Danielle
Hedda Gabler 1985

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