Opera Scotland

Neil Gillespie Suggest updates

Born Glasgow.

Scottish tenor.

Neil Gillespie studied in Glasgow at the RSAMD with Duncan Robertson. He took part in master classes with Peter Pears and Heather Harper at the Britten-Pears School and attended the European Centre for Opera and Vocal Studies in Belgium. He then studied in London with Michael Selby and in Stockholm with Nicolai Gedda.

His repertoire included Count Almaviva, Tamino, Bacchus The Olympians, and Sailor Dido and Aeneas. He appeared with Opéra de Lyon and New Israeli Opera. With the Royal Opera his appearances include roles in works by Verdi (Il corsaro, Luisa Miller, La traviata), Hindemith (Mathis der Maler), Vaughan Williams (The Pilgrim's Progress) and Britten (Paul Bunyan). He also worked with the Royal Opera's Education Department.

Roles in Scotland

Luisa Miller 1998

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