Opera Scotland

Lucia Valentini-Terrani Suggest updates

Lucia Valentini.

Born Padova, 29 August 1946.

Died Seattle, 11 June 1998.

Italian mezzo-soprano.

Lucia Valentini-Terrani studied at the Music Conservatory in her native Padua, before continuing her training in Venice at the Conservatorio di Musica Benedetto Marcello. She was initially renowned as a coloratura mezzo particularly appropriate in Rossini roles. Later she did sing some more dramatic parts and also some concert work. Her career was cut short when she developed leukaemia - intensive treatment at a specialist clinic in America being unsuccessful.

Her debut at Brescia was as Angelina, the title role of La cenerentola. Angelina was also the role of her debut at La Scala, Milan in 1973, and she sang it at Covent Garden during the visit by La Scala in 1976. This famous staging by Jean-Pierre Ponnelle was identical to that seen at Edinburgh in 1971, still conducted by Claudio Abbado.

In addition to La cenerentola, her Rossini parts included Tancredi; Isabella L'italiana in Algeri; Rosina Il barbiere di Siviglia; Malcolm La donna del lago ; Pippo La gazza ladra; Calbo Maometto Secondo; Arsace Semiramide; Melibea Il viaggio a Reims. and Isolier Comte Ory. Her New York Met debut in 1974 was as Isabella.

Her baroque roles included Cavalli (Medea Giasone) and Handel (Bradamante Alcina). Verdi roles (all recorded) included Fenena Nabucco (under Sinopoli); Eboli Don Carlos (for Abbado) and Quickly Falstaff (with Giulini). The Don Carlos was sung at La Scala, in the original French, with Abbado conducting a cast ithat ncluded Ricciarelli and Domingo. The Falstaff was performed at Los Angeles and Covent Garden, marking Giulini's return to staged opera for the first time in many years. It was filmed and has been available on DVD.

She also appeared in French operas, included Thomas (Mignon), Bizet (Carmen) and Massenet (Charlotte, Dulcinée Don Quichotte). Russian parts included Marina in Boris Godunov, and she also sang Jocasta in Oedipus Rex.

Her concert repertoire ranged from Rossini's Stabat Mater to Mahler's 3rd Symphony.

Roles in Scotland

Symphony no3 1979

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