Born Banská Bystrica, 29 July 1911.
Died Bratislava, 21 December 1989.
Czech (Slovak) composer.
The Slovak part of Czechoslovakia produced two excellent composers of opera in the post-war years. Cikker's Resurrection was generally well-received, though it has not been seen regularly since. His colleague Eugen Suchoň's Whirlpool had succeeded several years earlier (and has also been seen in Edinburgh).
Operas performed in Scotland are shown in bold:
01 Juro Jánošík (1954)
02 Mr Scrooge (1954, prod 1963)
03 Prince Bajazid - Beg Bajazid (1957)
04 Resurrection - Vzkriesenie (Prague 1962) (composer)
05 Das Soiel von Liebe und Tod (1969)
06 Coriolanus (1973)
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