Opera Scotland

Nathan Berg Suggest updates

Born Spalding, Saskatchewan.

Canadian bass-baritone.

To date Nathan Berg's career has encompassed a vast range of styles and repertoire and he is currently in demand by some of the world's most distinguished conductors including Kurt Masur; Esa-Pekka Salonen, William Christie, Sir Roger Norrington, Hans Craf Philippe Herreweghe, Vasily Petrenko, Vladimir Ashkenazy and Michael Tilson Thomas.

In his early career Nathan Berg made his name as an interpreter of the Baroque and Pre-Classical
repertoire in both concert and opera performances before adding the leading Mozart roles to his repertoire, including the title roles in Don Giovonni and Le nozze di Figaro in New York, London, Paris and Vancouver. Last season featured a move towards heavier repertoire including the title role in Der fliegende Hollander in his Bolshoi Theatre debut, and this season the role of Alberich in Dos Rheingold
with the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra under Myung-Whun Chung.

Further highlights during the current season include Leone (Handel's Tamer/ono) with La Monnaie and De Nederlandse Opera and Enrico (Lucia di Lammermoor) with Edmonton Opera. In concert he will appear with the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra and the Colorado Symphony Orchestra for Beethoven's 'Choral' Symphony, the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra for Beethoven's Mass in C and the Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra for Faure's Requiem. In Europe he joins the Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra for Haydn's Die Schopfung, the Budapest Festival Orchestra for Handel's Apollo e Daphne and the Radio-Symphonieorchester Wien for a selection of Kurt Weill songs.

For further information please visit:  www.harrisonparrott.com

October 2014

Roles in Scotland

Abramane High Priest of Ariman
Zoroastre 2001
Wozzeck 2014

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