Opera Scotland

Bohème 2010Opera Bohemia

Read more about the opera Bohème

This is the perfect introduction to anyone new to opera. Opera Bohemia’s director John Wilkie has adapted the setting of his favourite opera from the 1840s to the 1950s. Wilkie says ‘This story of youthful romance and tragedy will speak to all generations, especially younger people who might have been put off by the idea of opera, because it has memorable melodies and an interplay of drama and comedy that provides a sweet balance between darkness and hope’.

The members of the company, are all aged under 30.
Alistair Digges from Glasgow plays Rodolfo, a struggling writer. A graduate of the Royal College of Music International Opera School he has recently returned from an exhilarating tour of operatic recitals across India with soprano Patricia Rozario.

Douglas Nairne from Kirkcaldy played Rodolfo’s flatmate Marcello. Douglas has already been seen and heard by thousands leading the national anthem for the RBS Six Nations Rugby tournament and won a scholarship to study at the Alexander Gibson Opera School in Glasgow.

Christopher Nairne, who played Schaunard, is the youngest of the three brothers and was in his final year at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama. He has sung in Fife Opera and with the Academy Opera and recently sang in a series of workshops with Malcolm Martineau.

Ronald Nairne from Kirkcaldy played Colline, the philosopher. Ronald finished his studies in 2009 with a year at the National Opera Studio and already has a large number of operatic roles under his belt working with companies such as ETO and Grange Opera.

Nicholas Cowie, son of Fife bass Gordon Cowie and cousin of the Nairne brothers, a student at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama sang the roles of Benoit, the landlord, and Alcindoro, the rich sugar daddy.

South African soprano Pumeza Matshikiza, a former young artist from the Royal Opera House Covent Garden, joined the company as a special guest performer playing the lead role of Mimì.

Prudence Sanders, a graduate of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, played the role of Musetta, the all time good time girl who cheats her rich and aging admirer to live on the edge with the rebellious artists.

The largely Scottish Cast and crew were accompanied by two Scottish musicians; Laura Baxter (piano) and Amira Bedrush-McDonald (violin).

Performance Cast

Marcello a painter

Douglas Nairne

Rodolfo a poet

Alistair Digges

Colline a philosopher

Ronald Nairne

Schaunard a musician

Christopher Nairne

Benoit the students' landlord

Nicholas Cowie

Mimì a seamstress

Pumeza Matshikiza

Musetta a grisette

Prudence Sanders

Alcindoro a wealthy follower of Musetta

Nicholas Cowie

Performance DatesBohème 2010

Map List

St Andrews and St George's West | Edinburgh

17 Aug, 19.30

St Bryce Kirk | Kirkcaldy

19 Aug, 19.30

St John's Renfield Church | Glasgow

21 Aug, 19.30

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