Opera Scotland

Mikado 1977D'Oyly Carte Opera Company

Read more about the opera Mikado

This was the first visit by the old D'Oyly Carte Company to the recently-restored Theatre Royal. The repertoire of six G & S classics included The Pirates of Penzance (3 performances), Patience (2), Iolanthe (3), Princess Ida (2), The Mikado (3) and The Gondoliers (3).

It was traditionally held that The Mikado was the greatest draw for the public. It was frequently chosen, as here, to open a visit to bring in a good house on a Monday evening. It was also chosen to end the visit with two performances on the final Saturday. Presumably the visit to the next venue on the tour would also open with this piece.

Performance DatesMikado 1977

Map List

Theatre Royal, Glasgow | Glasgow

19 Sep, 19.15 1 Oct, 14.15 1 Oct, 19.15

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