During their Scottish visit in the spring of 1926, the Carl Rosa company gave just a single performance of what was acknowledged as one of the greatest of all operas. It had been quite unfashionable for many decades, and performance style was perhaps unrecognisable to modern ears. It was also a fixture in the repertoire of the larger BNOC touring company. Nevertheless, the following morning's Glasgow Herald gave a generally favourable report:
'It is one of the great operas, and Mozart leaves Rossini, with all his charm, far behind. The Carl Rosa company have had The Marriage of Figaro in their repertoire for a year or two since they last revived it, but at the performance yesterday evening the casting of the principal characters was almost entirely new. Only Figaro (Mr Appleton Moore) and Dr Bartolo (Mr Frederick Clendon) were familiar to Glasgow in their respective parts, and they repeated last evening their familiar performances. Mr Hubert Dunkerley was the Count Almaviva.....Mr Dunkerley gave an interesting performance, which only requires lightening in its general treatment to make it quite convincing.
'Miss Ethel Austen as the Countess has a very good conception of the part, but is inclined to take her big solo numbers too slowly. Even in the Letter Duet she dragged the pace, which gave the little conspiracy too serious an aspect. Miss Jennie Bleasdale was very good as Susanna, acting with vivacity and supplying generally that lightness of touch which is so essential in the Figaro comedies. Miss Olive Gilbert as Cherubino was also good, though not always resisting the temptation to exaggerate the humour provided by the change into woman's dress.
'The singing in the numerous delightful ensembles was nearly always clean and crisp and in the true Mozartian style, and the whole performance on the stage hung well together. Mr Thomas M'Guire conducted with due care, and secured the required delicacy and sparkle in the orchestral playing. Miss Ailne Phillips and the corps de ballet made a pleasing appearance in the third act.'
One unusual feature of the casting was the appearance of Olive Gilbert as Cherubino. In previous seasons she had played the more matronly part of Marcellina.
Appleton Moore (Oct 03)
Jennie Bleasdale (Oct 03)
Frederick Clendon (Oct 03)
Olive Gilbert (Oct 03)
Hubert Dunkerley (Oct 03)
Ethel Austen (Oct 03)
Ailne Phillips (Oct 03)
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