Opera Scotland

Don Giovanni 1908Carl Rosa Opera Company

Read more about the opera Don Giovanni

The Gasgow Herakd review (17 March) opened

The Scotsman reviewer (3 April) stated "This grand classic of the operatic stage was creditably performed last night at the King's Theatre by the Carl Rosa company.  There was a large audience, who by their hearty applause testified to their approval of the excellent manner in which the principals sang the many beautiful gems with which the work abounds.  The cast was practically the same as that which was seen in the revival of the opera in March last year.  The two favourites of the evening were undoubtedly Miss Ina Hill in the role of Zerlina, and Mr Arthur Winckworth in the bass part of Leporello, the Don's amusing servant.  Miss Hill was bright and attractive in her acting, and she rendered with purity of tone and appropriate expression the charming airs associated with the part.  The 'Vedrai Carino' which the bride sings for the consolation of her peasant lover Masetto, created great enthusiasm, and the audience would fain have heard Miss Hill repeat it, but the conductor was inexorable.  Mr Winckworth played in a humorous buffo spirit, and his rendering especially of the 'Catalogue Song' was loudly applauded.  Miss Grace Nicoll imparted the necessary fervour to the part of Donna Anna, and she was heard to much advantage in the difficult air of the last act, 'Not Love Thee!'.   It was a little unfortunate that her voice and the voice of Mr Edward Davies, the Don Ottavio of the evening, did not blend better in the duets and concerted numbers in which they took part. Mr Davies made an excellent impression by his rendering of the two famous tenor airs of the opera.  Mr Charles Victor acted in a dashing way as the Don, and sang the music with care.  The serenade was just a trifle lacking in sweetness.  Miss Elizabeth Burgess made an acceptable if not distinguished Elvira.  Mr Goossens was conductor, and much praise must be given to him and to the orchestra for the playing of the lovely instrumental music."

The company's 1908 tour included two weeks at the Glasgow Grand, one at the Alexandra, Greenock and finally two at Edinburgh King’s Theatre.

The full schedule was:-

Glasgow w/c 9 Mar: Mon Carmen; Tue Cav & Pag; Wed Trovatore; Thu Lohengrin; Fri Esmeralda; Sat m Fidelio; Sat e Rigoletto.

Glasgow w/c 16 Mar: Mon Don Giovanni; Tue Otello; Wed Bohemian Girl; Thu Faust; Fri Carmen; Sat m Tannhäuser; Sat e Trovatore.

Greenock w/c 23 Mar: Mon Carmen; Tue Tannhäuser; Wed Bohemian Girl; Thu Cav & Pag; Fri Esmeralda; Sat m Faust; Sat e Trovatore.

Edinburgh w/c 30 Mar: Mon Carmen; Tue Faust; Wed Lohengrin; Thu Don Giovanni; Fri Esmeralda; Sat m Tannhauser; Sat e Rigoletto.

Edinburgh w/c 6 Apr: Mon Cav & Pag; Tue Trovatore; Wed Bohemian Girl; Thu Marriage of Figaro; Fri Otello; Sat m Carmen; Sat e Maritana.

In summary: Carmen (5); Trovatore (4); Cav & Pag, Esmeralda, Bohemian Girl, Faust, Tannhäuser (3); Lohengrin, Rigoletto, Don Giovanni, Otello (2) and Fidelio, Marriage of Figaro, Maritana (1).

Thirty-five performances of thirteen operas plus the double bill of Cav and Pag.

Performance Cast

Leporello Giovanni's servant

Arthur Winckworth

Donna Anna the Commendatore's daughter

Grace Nicoll

Don Giovanni a young nobleman

Charles Victor

Don Ottavio engaged to Anna

Edward Davies

Donna Elvira a lady from Burgos

Elizabeth Burgess

Zerlina a peasant girl

Ina Hill

Performance DatesDon Giovanni 1908

Map List

Grand Theatre, Glasgow | Glasgow

16 Mar, 19.30

King's Theatre, Edinburgh | Edinburgh

2 Apr, 19.30

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