Opera Scotland

Celebrity Concert 1866Madame Grisi & Signor Mario

Read more about the opera Grand Concert

The great pairing of Grisi and Mario had previously sung north of the central belt when they appeared at Perth City Hall in 1848.  Here they were making their first appearance at the shiny new Kinnaird Hall.  Built at the instigation of Lord Kinnaird, its primary purpose had been as a Corn Exchange for the use of the region's farmers.  However they preferred to conduct their business out in the fresh air, and the noble lord's attempt to civilise his agricultural colleagues was a failure.  However the hall worked well for most of its other designated purposes.



Wednesday, January 24  1866

Mr Simpson has the honour to announce that he has made

Arrangements with Mr MAPLESON, of Her Majesty’s Theatre, for a


In the




When the following Celebrated ARTISTES will appear: -

                                                Madame GRISI

                                                Madame DEMERIC-LABLACHE

                                                Signor MARIO

                                                Signor FOLI

                                                Mdlle ARDITI, Solo Violin

                                                Signor ARDITI, Conductor

Doors Open at 7.30, to Commence at 8 o’clock.

Gallery Stalls (Evening Dress)                5s.

Numbered Benches in Centre of Area     4s.

Side and Back of Area                           2s 6d.

Promenade under Gallery                      1s.

Plan of the Stalls and Reserved Seats may be seen and

Places secured at Methven, Simpson & Co.’s Music Warehouse.

Unreserved tickets may also be had of

Messrs F Shaw and C D Chalmers.


A Special Boat to Newport and Train to Broughty at the conclusion of the Concert.


Parte 1ma.

Duetto              Rossini             Dunque io son Il Barbiere di Siviglia.            Mad D-L & Sig F.

Aria                  Verdi                Infelice Ernani.                                      Sig F.

Solo Violin         Arditi                 Fantasia on Norma.                               Mdlle Emilia Arditi.

Duetto              Arditi                 Una notte a Venezia.                                  Mad G & Sig M.

Aria                  Rossini             Ah! quel giorno Semiramide.                  Mad D-L.

Romanza          Donizetti           Raggio d’amore Il Furioso.                     Sig M.

Cavatina           Bellini               Casta Diva Norma (By Desire).              Mad G.

Song                Bishop              Home, Sweet Home (encore)                 Mad G.

Duetto              Verdi                Se m’ami ancor Il Trovatore.                  Mad D-L & Sig M.

Terzetto            Rossini             L’usato ardir Semiramide.                              Mad G, Mad D-L, Sig F.


Parte 2da.

Quartetto          Rossini             Quartet Il Conte Ory.                                     All Four.

Aria                  Mozart              Voi che sapete Le Nozze di Figaro.                  Mad D-L.

Solo Violin         De Beriot          nk.                                                               Mdlle Emilia Arditi.

Song                Trad                 The Minstrel Boy.                                            Mad G.

Ballad               Hatton              Good bye, Sweetheart.                                   Sig M.

Duetto              Rossini             Giorno d’orror Semiramide.                             Mad G & Mad D-L.

Song                Arditi                 The Stirrup-Cup.                                           Signor F.

Quartetto          Flotow              Mentre il piè Marta.                                        All Four.


Dundee Advertiser: Thursday, January 25 1866 p3

Grand Evening Concert - Grisi and Mario

''During these two or three years past we have been privileged to enjoy not a few first-class concerts, but no one of them has been attended with more success and enthusiasm than that given last night in the Kinnaird Hall.  The audience comprised the musical elite of the town and neighbourhood, most of them being in evening dress, and every part of the Hall was well filled.  In addition to the two world-renowned artistes, Grisi and Mario, there appeared as performers Madame Deméric-Lablache, Signor Foli, Signor and Mademoiselle Arditi.

'The first appearance of Grisi and Mario on the platform was the signal for a burst of applause from all parts of the house so hearty and protracted that the two artistes were kept bowing for a considerable time ere they could get commenced to the Duetto, and on each re-appearance they made throughout the evening, their reception was equally enthusiastic.  And no wonder, for in spite of the unprecedented amount of work, and that of the hardest kind, to which, during her long and brilliant career, Madame Grisi has subjected her vocal powers, her singing possesses an almost indescribable charm.  Grisi was great in her vocal beginnings, and she will be great to the end, for she has an amount of “soul” for her art which no prima donna since has ever yet given evidence of possessing, and this will render her singing a source of instruction and delight even when her voice shall have almost passed away.  What a power of expression she has, and how refined her elocution, it is impossible to describe; but their influence is all the more felt by the attentive listener.

''We shall not enter into details as to the style of treatment she or any of the other artistes gave the pieces allotted them, or even notice the encores given, for we should then have to name almost every piece in the programme.  But we must notice specially her “Home, Sweet Home,” given in reply to a rapturous encore for her first song.  Equally fine, though entirely different in style, was her management of “The Minstrel Boy”.

''Signor Mario took the house by storm each time he appeared, and was of course encored as often as he sung, and that most enthusiastically.  His distinct articulation of the words he sings, his perfect elocution, and finished style of singing, seemed to give the utmost delight to every one present.

''Madame Deméric-Lablache is a contralto of much more than ordinary weight of tone, and which she has under perfect control.  Her singing was in every respect satisfactory to her audience, as evinced by the encore she received for her second song.

''Signor Foli has a voice we like much.  It is a true bass voice, both as regards compass and quality. The reception he met with sufficiently indicated the satisfaction his efforts gave to all.

''The violin performances of Mademoiselle Arditi were superb, and when her extreme youth is taken into consideration, there is something of the marvellous in her finish of style, power of tone, and general command of the instrument.  She plays with all the ease and expression of a violinist of many years’ experience, and she certainly ranks already as a first-class performer.

''Signor Arditi acted as accompanyist, in what style we need not say, for his name is itself a guarantee for the highest style of excellence in this department.

''Mr Simpson, to whom the public are indebted for projecting this concert, has reason to be satisfied with last night’s proceedings, for it is seldom we see a concert of its class attended by an audience so numerous, so fashionable, and so universally satisfied.  We intended to mildly remonstrate with musical Dundee for its encoring propensities, which were freely indulged last night, but really we cannot, for such was the excellence of all the performances that the audience could not possibly do otherwise than express its delight in the way it did, even although the proceedings were thus protracted much beyond a reasonable hour.''

Performance DatesCelebrity Concert 1866

Map List

Kinnaird Hall | Dundee

24 Jan, 20.00

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