Adelina Patti had retired from performing fully-staged opera by this time, and for the rest of the century toured extnsively to regions to which her career had not previously taken her. She came to Scotland several times, and this was the first of at least three visits to Dundee.
The local tenor Durward Lely was by now a family friend (Patti being godmother to his daughter). He often toured with her, including a gargantuan six-month tour of the USA in 1894. He also sang in the opening concert when she opened the theatre in her Welsh mansionhouse, Craig-y-nos.
Adelina Patti Grand Concert
Mme Adelina Patti soprano
Madlle Douilly soprano
Miss Eleanor Rees contralto
Mr Durward Lely tenor
Mr Barrington Foote bass
Miss Marianne Eissler violin
Miss Clara Eissler harp
Mr Wilhelm Ganz accompanist
Special Trains to Perth and Intermediate Stations 10.30
St Andrews, Cupar, &c. 10.10
Forfar, Kirriemuir (direct line) 10.35
Prices: Front Area and Balcony 21s;
Gallery and Second Row of Balconies 10s 6d;
Orchestra 7s 6d;
Back Area 5s (unreserved).
Dundee Advertiser: Monday, 13 October 1890 (p5)
The Patti Concert
'The Patti concert, which is to take place in the Kinnaird Hall on Wednesday evening, has been looked forward to with a greater amount of pleasant anticipation than any of the musical events that have occurred in recent years. The fame of the cantatrice has long preceded her, and though her visit to Dundee has been delayed she is not the less sure of a hearty welcome at this time. At the beginning of her present tour through the provinces some fears were entertained that indisposition would prevent her from proceeding with it, but the brilliant appearances which she has recently made have entirely dispelled this notion, and she is reported to be in as perfect voice as ever, and as fascinating in her style as in the days when she took the musical world by storm many years ago.
'According to the programme of Wednesday’s concert Madame Patti will appear three times. Her first piece will be the famous cavatina “Bel raggio”, from Rossini’s Semiramide - a composition which is so frequently murdered by young debutantes that it will be a pleasing relief to hear it sung as it ought to be by so eminent an artiste. She will also sing the well-known aria “O Luce di quest’ Anima” from Donizetti’s Linda di Chamounix; and as a compliment to national feeling she will give the old Scottish, or rather Northumbrian, song, “The Banks of Allan Water”. Madlle Douilly, a vocalist who has rapidly attained to high rank, will sing the familiar cavatina “O tu che adoro” from Meyerbeer’s Roberto il Diavolo, and a “ballade” by Thome; while Miss Eleanor Rees has chosen songs by Gounod and F Bevan as her share in the concert. Mr Durward Lely is set down in the programme to sing one song by Tosti and another by Stephen Adams (Michael Maybrick), though, judging from past experience, it is hardly likely that a Dundee audience will be content with two songs from him. Mr Barrington Foote, one of the most popular of bass singers on the concert platform, will give Tosti’s “I dare to Love Thee”, and Molloy’s “Lighthouse Keeper”.
'The instrumentalists at this concert will be Mr Wilhelm Ganz, who is equally famous as a pianist, an instructor, and a theorist, and who has brought out some of the foremost pianists of the day; Miss Marianne Eissler, violiniste; and Miss Clara Eissler, harpiste. Mr Ganz will play one of his own compositions as a pianoforte solo, and will take part in several concerted pieces by Beethoven and Gounod. Miss Marianne Eissler’s principal solo will be Vieuxtemps’ “Reverie”, and the chief harp solo will be a “ballade” by Hasselmanns. From this brief sketch it will be seen that Mr Ganz has arranged an excellent programme, sufficiently varied in character to suit the different tastes of an audience such as is likely to be brought together on this occasion. We understand that almost all the tickets for the concert have already been taken up, and only a few can now be obtained. Mr Simpson has made arrangements with the Railway Companies for the accommodation of visitors from the surrounding district, who are sure to be attracted to Dundee by the exceptional character of this concert.'
The Piper o’ Dundee: Wednesday, 15 October 1890 (p260)
Madame Patti in Dundee
'To-night a grand concert is to be given in the Kinnaird Hall by Madame Adelina Patti and a concert party of distinguished artists. Madame Patti is queen of the opera, and the idol of every capital in Europe and America. With marvellous natural gifts Madame Patti has united the care and earnestness of the born artiste, and she fairly revels in song. To-night the fortunate possessors of tickets will have the opportunity of hearing Madame Patti in the operatic selections she trills with an easy grace which has captivated her audiences the world over, and it is just possible that she may oblige by singing one or two of the songs which touch the heart while charming the ear.
'Madlle Douilly and Miss Eleanor Rees hold high position, and Mr Durward Lely and Mr Barrington Foote are favourites in Dundee. Miss Marianne Eissler is solo violinist, and Miss Clara Eissler solo harpist, while Mr Wilhelm Ganz presides at the pianoforte. The concert has been arranged for by the Messrs Harrison, of Birmingham, and the arrangements here have been under the experienced management of Messrs Methven, Simpson, & Co., which is tantamount to saying that, crowded though the hall is likely to be, the comfort of every auditor will be carefully looked after.'
Dundee Advertiser: Thursday, 16 October 1890 (p5)
The Patti Concert
Duet (Piano & Violin) Sonata in E flat, op12 Beethoven
Cavatina “O! tu che adoro” Robert le Diable Meyerbeer
Solo (Harp) Ballade Hasselmanns
Song La Serenata Tosti
Cavatina “Bel Raggio” Semiramide Rossini
Solo (Violin) Reverie Vieuxtemps
Song The Worker Gounod
Song The Lighthouse Keeper Molloy
Aria “O luce di quest’ anima” Linda di Chamounix Donizetti
Duet (Violin & Harp) Largo in G Handel
Ballade La Serenade Thome
Solo Pianoforte Allons Vite (Galop) W Ganz
Song By the Fountain Stephen Adams
Ballade The Banks of Allan Water Old Scotch
Solo Violin Mazurka in G Zarzycki
Song The Flight of Ages F Bevan
Song I Dare to Love Thee Tosti
Trio Harp, Violin & Pianoforte Gounod
The Piper o’ Dundee: Wednesday, 22 October 1890 (p283)
Dundee Day by Day - By Lord Dundee
'I had for years, and it might have been for ever, longed to see and hear Patti, the ever young, and now the ever fair; and on Wednesday evening my longing was gratified. I saw the Queen of Song, radiant in the midst of cloudy drapery, resplendent with jewelry, and beaming with the consciousness of regal powers. With the guinea ticketholders I sat, awaiting the pouring of her liquid golden notes. While she performed her vocal calisthenics we were amazed at the marvellous command the singer had over her voice, and while like a very mocking bird she trilled forth notes which followed each other so trippingly that they ran into one another, we wondered at her mellow fluency; but it was in our own old songs that the sweetness and roundness and clear fulness of every note of Patti’s voice was best heard and understood. After all, Patti is Patti. As an operatic singer she is at her best, and operatic fragments can but give a faint idea of the Patti of the stage, wrapped in her part and rejoicing in her music. There Patti can brook no rival near the throne, but on the platform, and especially in ballad singing, Patti has many rivals, who, for soulful and tuneful singing, could compete with the Diva, and in many cases win the verdict of musical and popular audiences. Miss Eleanor Rees has a grand contralto, and her singing made a delightful foil to the singing of the prima donna. Madlle Douilly has a method happily all her own, and in her various appearances was a distinct contrast to the reposeful style of the other artistes. Mr Durward Lely was in good form, but, courtier-like, did not approach too near the throne. His rendering of “The Anchor’s Weighed” was the bon bouche of the evening in the popular estimation. Mr Barrington Foote was not in his best form, but sang with spirit, and his fine voice was much admired. Miss Marianne Eissler, the solo violinist, and Miss Clara Eissler, the harpist, gave excellent renderings of their various items. Mr Ganz is a cultured and able accompanist, and his surprise solo was welcomed and appreciated.
'The appearance of Madame Patti will long be remembered by those who had the good fortune to hear her on this occasion, and the Messrs Harrison and Mr Simpson deserve especial thanks for placing Dundee on an equality with the leading cities of England and Scotland in arranging for the visit of the prima donnas, who are run after wherever they appear.'
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