Opera Scotland

Bohemian Girl 1909Moody-Manners Opera Company

Read more about the opera Bohemian Girl

Performance Cast

Arline Arnheim's daughter

Kate Anderson

Thaddeus a proscribed Pole

John Child

Count Arnheim Governor of Pressburg

William Dever

Queen of the Gypsies

Marie-Louise Roger

Devilshoof leader of the gypsies

Charles Manners


Mr D Gulland

Florestein nephew of the Count

Frederick Davies

Buda Arline's nurse

Miss Skinner

Production Cast


Richard Eckhold

Performance DatesBohemian Girl 1909

Map List

Royal Lyceum Theatre | Edinburgh

18 Feb, 19.30

Theatre Royal, Glasgow | Glasgow

10 Mar, 19.30 20 Mar, 19.00 16 Oct, 19.00

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