Opera Scotland

James Sauvage Suggest updates

Roles in Scotland

Lescaut a Guards officer, Manon's cousin
Manon 1885
Escamillo a toreador
Carmen 1885
Valentin Marguerite's brother
Faust 1885
Faust 1886
Count di Luna a young noble of Aragon
Trovatore 1885
Trovatore 1886
Don José de Santarem
Maritana 1885
Don Giovanni a young nobleman
Don Giovanni 1886
Belamy Lieutenant of Dragoons
Fadette 1886
Heerufer Royal Herald
Lohengrin 1886
Claude Frollo Archdeacon of Notre Dame
Esmeralda 1886
Count Almaviva a Spanish grandee
Nozze di Figaro 1886
Ivan younger son of the Princess
Nadeshda 1886

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