Opera Scotland

James Geer Suggest updates


James Geer studied music at Magdalen College, Oxford, then at Trinity College of Music in London. He furthered his training in Glasgow at the RSAMD.

Operatic roles at the RSAMD included Gonsalve and Triquet. His early professional engagements in Britiain included D'Oyly Carte (The Mikado, HMS Pinafore), Grange Park Opera (La cenerentola, L'elisir d'amore, Maria Stuarda, South Pacific), the Buxton Festival (La jolie fille de Perth, Armide), Edinburgh Festival (Dido and Aeneas) and Haddo House (Pirates of Penzance). He also appeared in a production of Peter Grimes at the Salzburg Easter Festival.

Recordings include Célimène by Ambroise Thomas for Opera Rara.

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