Opera Scotland

Madam Butterfly 1939Carl Rosa Opera Company

Read more about the opera Madama Butterfly

The week commencing Monday, 3 April, saw the Carl Rosa's final visit to Edinburgh before the outbreak of World War Two.

The week's programme in Edinburgh was: Mon Cav & Pag; Tue Barber of Seville; Wed Gipsy Baron; Thu Rigoletto; Fri Madam Butterfly; Sat mat Fledermaus; Sat eve Faust.

The Glasgow schedule, including two Johann Strauss operettas, was as follows: 

W/c 10 April: Mon Fledermaus; Tue Butterfly; Wed Faust; Thurs Rigoletto; Fri Masked Ball; Sat mat Gipsy Baron; Sat eve Barber of Seville.

W/c 17 April: Mon Cav & Pag; Tue Fledermaus; Wed Madam Butterfly; Thu Gipsy Baron; Fri Traviata; Sat mat Fledermaus; Sat eve Faust.

During this period, the Carl Rosa were including an extensive sequence of the ballet music.

There is a rather incongruous note in the programme, to the effect that 'The indulgence of the audience is requested for Butterfly's baby. In the story the baby is two years old, but to comply with the Act only a child of 14 may appear on the stage.' The (presumably small) fourteen-year-old who went on is not identified in the cast list.

The Assistant Manager at the King's at this time was Durward Lely, Jun., eldest son of the famous Scottish tenor.

Cast details are from our programme for 11 & 12 April (Butterfly and Faust).

Performance DatesMadam Butterfly 1939

Map List

King's Theatre, Edinburgh | Edinburgh

7 Apr, 19.45

King's Theatre, Glasgow | Glasgow

11 Apr, 19.45 19 Apr, 19.45

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