Opera Scotland

Nozze di Figaro 1910Carl Rosa Opera Company

Read more about the opera Marriage of Figaro

Figaro was not taken on the brief outings to Falkirk and Kirkcaldy, but was provided as a treat for Edinburgh folk, either as a refreshing sorbet between Denhof's The Valkyrie and Siegfried, or perhaps, for non-Wagnerians,  a substitute.

The abbreviated cast is as reviewed in the Scotsman.


Edinburgh Opinion

Scotsman:  Thursday, 10 March 1910  (p6)

The Carl Rosa Opera Company - The Marriage of Figaro

'Since its production a century and a quarter ago, how many opera-goers have succumbed to the irresistible charm and unfading beauty of Mozart's delightful opera - The Marriage of Figaro!  That its attractions do not fade was again strikingly manifested last night, when performed by the Carl Rosa Company in the King's Theatre, in presence of a large and enthusiastic audience.  The company, and Mr Van Noorden, the conductor, may be heartily congratulated on the admirable reading the work received.

'The cast was a strong one - ''three prima donnas,'' said the programme, ''in one opera,'' and the male parts were equally in capable hands;  the chorus singers, though not often in evidence, were in excellent voice,  and unstinted praise may be given to the orchestra for the artic manner in which they delivered the delightful instrumental music.  Few operas of the old  Italian school can compare with Figaro in beauty of form or in the perfection and grace of its melody and harmony, while its romantic story of Spanish intrigue, though developed in a somewhat theatrical fashion,  has a perennial interest.

'Most of the principals of last night had already approved themselves on former visits excellent exponents of their respective parts.  Miss Beatrice Miranda was a bright and piquant Susanna, ad sang with much daintiness and effect.  Miss Doris Woodall revelled in the role of the boy Cherubino, and the exquisite air, ''Ye who love's power,'' was rendered in so finished a style that a hearty encore folowed.  Miss Ina Hill's cultured soprano voice did ample justice to the music of the Countess.  The well-known air, ''Vanished are ye bright hours for ever,'' of the tird act was sung by her in a charmingly sympathetic style, and was loudly applauded. The letter duet between the Countess and Susanna was also a fine piece of artistic work.'Mr Arthur Winckworth, with his rich, sonorous voice, sang the Count's music effectively, and he acted with restraint and dignity, while Mr Charles Victor, in his old role of Figaro, greatly delighted the audience by the freedom of his comedy acting and the excellence of his singing.  The stirring fnale of the first act with his air ''Now no more may we love-sick philander'' was accorded an encore.  As a fine example of choral work one may cite the beautiful finale of the opera, which was rendered with perfect expression.'

Performance Cast

Figaro the Count's valet

Charles Victor (Mar 9)

Susanna the Countess's maid

Beatrice Miranda (Mar 9)

Cherubino the Count's page

Doris Woodall (Mar 9)

Count Almaviva a Spanish grandee

Arthur Winckworth (Mar 9)

Countess Almaviva

Ina Hill (Mar 9)

Production Cast


Walter van Noorden (Mar 9)

Performance DatesNozze di Figaro 1910

Map List

King's Theatre, Edinburgh | Edinburgh

9 Mar, 19.30

Grand Theatre, Glasgow | Glasgow

17 Mar, 19.30

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