Opera Scotland

Don Giovanni 2010Scottish Chamber Orchestra

Read more about the opera Don Giovanni

The Scottish Chamber Orchestra opened their season with an extremely well cast concert performance of Mozart’s great opera. New Principal Conductor Robin Ticciati in his first full season showed the experience gained at Glyndebourne, Salzburg and Covent Garden, and the cast provided a dramatic rendering..

Performance Cast

Leporello Giovanni's servant

Vito Priante

Donna Anna the Commendatore's daughter

Susan Gritton

Don Giovanni a young nobleman

Florian Bösch

Commendatore an elderly aristocrat

Rafal Siwek

Don Ottavio engaged to Anna

Maximilian Schmitt

Donna Elvira a lady from Burgos

Kate Royal

Zerlina a peasant girl

Malin Christensson

Masetto a peasant, engaged to Zerlina

David Soar

Performance DatesDon Giovanni 2010

Map List

Usher Hall | Edinburgh

7 Oct, 19.00

City Halls, Glasgow | Glasgow

8 Oct, 19.00

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