Opera Scotland


Acis and Galatea 2009
SCO Chorus
Adelaide di Borgogna 2005
SCO Chorus
Adventures of Mr Brouček 2010
Chorus of Opera North
Aïda 1987
Scottish Opera Chorus
Aïda 1992
Scottish Opera Chorus
Aïda 1999
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Aïda 2003
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Aïda 2004
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Aïda 2019
Chorus of Opera North
Aïda 2022
National Youth Choir of Scotland
Aïda 2022
Stonehaven Choral
Aïda 2022
Tayside Opera
Alceste 1974
Scottish Opera Chorus
Alceste 1996
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Alcina 2016
Miranda Wright Singers
Alexander Nevsky 1975
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Alexander Nevsky 1984
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Alexander Nevsky 1996
RSNO Chorus
Alfonso and Estrella 1968
Scottish Opera Chorus
Anamchara 2014
Scottish Opera Connect Chorus
Andrea Chénier 2005
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Anima del Filosofo 1967
Scottish Opera Chorus
Apostles 2015
St Andrews Chorus
Apostles 2015
Choristi Sanctiandree
Apostles 2016
Royal Conservatoire Voices
Apostles 2016
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Apostles 2016
National Youth Choir of Scotland
Armida 2001
Scottish Opera Chorus
Athalia 2014
Ludus Baroque Choir
Athalia 2014
Chanson s
Athalia 2014
Horsecross Voices
Atlántida 1989
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Ballo delle ingrate 1971
Ledlanet Festival Chorus
Ballo delle ingrate 1980
Schütz Consort of London
Barbiere di Siviglia 1971
Scottish Opera Chorus
Barbiere di Siviglia 1972
Scottish Opera Chorus
Barbiere di Siviglia 1974
Scottish Opera Chorus
Barbiere di Siviglia 1975
Scottish Opera Chorus
Barbiere di Siviglia 1980
Scottish Opera Chorus
Barbiere di Siviglia 1981
Scottish Opera Chorus
Barbiere di Siviglia 1985
Scottish Opera Chorus
Barbiere di Siviglia 1987
Scottish Opera Chorus
Barbiere di Siviglia 1991
Scottish Opera Chorus
Barbiere di Siviglia 2018
Unikanti Chorus
Bartered Bride 1978
Scottish Opera Chorus
Bartered Bride 1985
Scottish Opera Chorus
Béatrice et Bénédict 2013
SCO Chorus
Beggar's Opera 1981
Scottish Opera Chorus
Belle Hélène 1995
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Bells 1975
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Bells 1997
RSNO Chorus
Bells 2023
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Belshazzar 1987
Scottish Philharmonic Singers
Belshazzar 1997
Belshazzar's Feast 1933
Edinburgh Royal Choral Union
Belshazzar's Feast 1958
Dundee Choral Union
Belshazzar's Feast 1979
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Belshazzar's Feast 1998
RSNO Chorus
Belshazzar's Feast 2017
St Andrews Chorus
Belshazzar's Feast 2019
RSNO Chorus
Betrothal in a Monastery 2012
Chorus of RCS
Billy Budd 1987
Scottish Opera Chorus
Billy Budd 1992
Scottish Opera Chorus
Bliss 2010
Chorus of Opera Australia
Bohème 1967
Scottish Opera Chorus
Bohème 1974
Scottish Opera Chorus
Bohème 1975
Scottish Opera Chorus
Bohème 1976
Scottish Opera Chorus
Bohème 1979
Scottish Opera Chorus
Bohème 1984
Scottish Opera Chorus
Bohème 1988
Scottish Opera Chorus
Bohème 1993
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Bohème 1997
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Bohème 1999
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Bohème 2017
NYCoS Edinburgh Choir
Boris Godunov 1965
Scottish Opera Chorus
Boris Godunov 1968
Scottish Opera Chorus
Boris Godunov 1974
Scottish Opera Chorus
Briséïs 1994
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Candide 1988
Scottish Opera Chorus
Candide 2007
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Capuleti e i Montecchi 1967
Scottish Opera Chorus
Caractacus 1926
Dundee Amateur Choral Union
Carmen 1977
Scottish Opera Chorus
Carmen 1978
Scottish Opera Chorus
Carmen 1986
Scottish Opera Chorus
Carmen 1991
Scottish Opera Chorus
Carmen 1999
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Carmen 2024
Adult's Choir Accentus
Carmen 2024
Children's Choir Maitrise Populaire de l-Opéra-Comique
Carmina Burana 1976
Dundee Choral Union
Carmina Burana 1976
Boys of St Paul's Cathedral Castlehill
Carmina Burana 1980
SNO Junior Chorus
Carmina Burana 1980
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Carmina Burana 1988
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Carmina Burana 1988
Boys of St Mary's Metropolitan Cathedral
Carmina Burana 1995
Dundee Choral Union
Carmina Burana 2001
RSNO Chorus
Carmina Burana 2001
RSNO Junior Chorus
Carmina Burana 2001
Dundee Choral Union
Carmina Burana 2012
RSNO Chorus
Carmina Burana 2012
RSNO Junior Chorus
Carmina Burana 2014
Perth Choral Society
Carmina Burana 2014
Craigclowan School Choir
Carmina Burana 2017
Dundee University Choir
Carmina Burana 2019
RSNO Chorus
Carmina Burana 2019
RSNO Junior Chorus
Carmina Burana 2022
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Carmina Burana 2022
NYCoS National Girls Choir
Carmina Burana 2024
RSNO Youth Chorus
Carmina Burana 2024
RSNO Chorus
Catiline Conspiracy 1974
Scottish Opera Chorus
Catiline Conspiracy 1978
Scottish Opera Chorus
Cenerentola 1953
Glyndebourne Festival Chorus
Cenerentola 1969
Scottish Opera Chorus
Cenerentola 1970
Scottish Opera Chorus
Cenerentola 1971
Scottish Opera Chorus
Chant des Chemins de Fer 1987
Aberdeen Proms Chorus
Child of Our Time 2008
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Child of Our Time 2023
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Christ on the Mount of Olives 1972
Ledlanet Festival Chorus
Clemenza di Tito 1970
Ledlanet Festival Chorus
Clemenza di Tito 1981
Cologne Opera Chorus
Clemenza di Tito 1991
Scottish Opera Chorus
Clemenza di Tito 2000
SCO Chorus
Clemenza di Tito 2005
SCO Chorus
Clemenza di Tito 2025
SCO Chorus
Confessions of a Justified Sinner 1976
Scottish Opera Chorus
Così fan tutte 1948
Glyndebourne Festival Chorus
Così fan tutte 1967
Scottish Opera Chorus
Così fan tutte 1969
Scottish Opera Chorus
Così fan tutte 1972
Scottish Opera Chorus
Così fan tutte 1975
Scottish Opera Chorus
Così fan tutte 1980
Cologne Opera Chorus
Così fan tutte 1988
Scottish Opera Chorus
Così fan tutte 1988
Perth Festival Chorus
Così fan tutte 1998
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Così fan tutte 2002
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Così fan tutte 2012
SCO Chorus
Così fan tutte 2016
Cape Town Opera Chorus
Cosi fan tutte 2024
SCO Chorus
Creation 1893
Dundee Amateur Choral Union
Creation 1908
Dundee Amateur Choral Union
Creation 1949
Dundee Amateur Choral Union
Creation 1958
Dundee Amateur Choral Union
Creation 1971
Ledlanet Festival Chorus
Creation 1979
Dundee Choral Union
Creation 1987
Scottish Philharmonic Singers
Creation 1993
Dundee Choral Union
Creation 1994
RSNO Chorus
Creation 2006
SCO Chorus
Creation 2008
Dundee Choral Union
Creation 2014
Perth Choral Society
Creation 2015
Dundee University Choir
Creation 2015
SCO Chorus
Creation 2016
Dundee Choral Union
Creation 2017
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Creation 2018
National Youth Choir of Scotland
Creation 2021
RSNO Chorus
Cunning Little Vixen 1980
Scottish Opera Chorus
Cunning Little Vixen 1982
Scottish Opera Chorus
Cunning Little Vixen 1991
Scottish Opera Chorus
Cunning Little Vixen 1997
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Dalibor 1998
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Damnation de Faust 1891
Dundee Amateur Choral Union
Damnation de Faust 1912
Dundee Amateur Choral Union
Damnation de Faust 1923
Dundee Amateur Choral Union
Damnation de Faust 1939
Dundee Amateur Choral Union
Damnation de Faust 1963
Covent Garden Opera Chorus
Damnation de Faust 1984
Dundee Choral Union
Damnation de Faust 1987
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Damnation de Faust 2008
RSNO Chorus
Damnation de Faust 2017
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Damnation de Faust 2017
Hallé Choir
Death in Venice 1983
Scottish Opera Chorus
Death in Venice 1988
Scottish Opera Chorus
Death of Klinghoffer 2005
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Deutsches Requiem 2025
Dundee Choral Union
Dido and Aeneas 1927
Ladybank and District Choral Union
Dido and Aeneas 1971
Ledlanet Festival Chorus
Dido and Aeneas 1978
Scottish Opera Chorus
Dido and Aeneas 1986
Scottish Philharmonic Singers
Dido and Aeneas 2007
SCO Chorus
Dido and Aeneas 2016
Voces 8
Don Carlos 1998
Royal Opera Chorus
Don Giovanni 1948
Glyndebourne Festival Chorus
Don Giovanni 1964
Scottish Opera Chorus
Don Giovanni 1965
Scottish Opera Chorus
Don Giovanni 1965
Netherlands Chamber Choir
Don Giovanni 1970
Scottish Opera Chorus
Don Giovanni 1971
Scottish Opera Chorus
Don Giovanni 1973
Scottish Opera Chorus
Don Giovanni 1974
Scottish Opera Chorus
Don Giovanni 1975
Scottish Opera Chorus
Don Giovanni 1976
Scottish Opera Chorus
Don Giovanni 1976
Scottish Opera Chorus
Don Giovanni 1985
Scottish Opera Chorus
Don Giovanni 1989
Scottish Opera Chorus
Don Giovanni 1990
Perth Festival Chorus
Don Giovanni 1992
Scottish Opera Chorus
Don Giovanni 1995
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Don Giovanni 1995
SCO Chorus
Don Giovanni 2001
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Don Giovanni 2010
SCO Chorus
Don Pasquale 1972
Scottish Opera Chorus
Don Pasquale 1973
Scottish Opera Chorus
Don Pasquale 1976
Scottish Opera Chorus
Don Pasquale 1977
Scottish Opera Chorus
Donna del Lago 2006
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Dream of Gerontius 1921
Dundee Amateur Choral Union
Dream of Gerontius 1928
Dundee Amateur Choral Union
Dream of Gerontius 1961
Dundee Choral Union
Dream of Gerontius 1973
Edinburgh Royal Choral Union
Dream of Gerontius 1973
BBC Scottish Choral Society
Dream of Gerontius 1986
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Dream of Gerontius 1989
Dundee Choral Union
Dream of Gerontius 1989
Maccabee Singers
Dream of Gerontius 1989
Haddo House Choir
Dream of Gerontius 2000
Dundee Choral Union
Dream of Gerontius 2000
Spectrum Perth
Dream of Gerontius 2000
Edinburgh Bach Society Choir
Dream of Gerontius 2015
RSNO Chorus
Dream of Gerontius 2017
City of Glasgow Chorus
Dream of Gerontius 2018
Bearsden Choir
Dream of Gerontius 2018
RCS Junior Conservatoire Chamber Choir
Dream of Gerontius 2018
Edinburgh Singers
Dream of Gerontius 2022
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Dream of Gerontius 2022
National Youth Choir of Scotland
Dream of Gerontius 2025
Huddersfield Choral Society
Drei Pintos 1976
John Alldis Choir
Due Foscari 1993
Scottish Opera Chorus
Elektra 1999
RSNO Chorus
Elektra 2006
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Elijah 1890
Dundee Amateur Choral Union
Elijah 1904
Dundee Amateur Choral Union
Elijah 1922
Edinburgh Royal Choral Union
Elijah 1932
Dundee Amateur Choral Union
Elijah 1947
Dundee Amateur Choral Union
Elijah 1988
Dundee Choral Union
Elijah 1995
Elijah 2010
Dundee Choral Union
Elijah 2013
RSNO Junior Chorus
Elijah 2013
RSNO Chorus
Elijah 2023
Edinburgh Singers
Elijah 2025
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Elisir d'amore 1984
Scottish Opera Chorus
Elisir d'amore 1994
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Elisir d'amore 2000
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Enfance du Christ 1906
Pollokshields Philharmonic Society
Enfance du Christ 1936
Glasgow Choral Union
Enfance du Christ 2004
RSAMD Choral Society
Enfant et les sortilèges 1975
Scottish Opera Chorus
Entführung aus dem Serail 1963
Scottish Opera Chorus
Entführung aus dem Serail 1978
Scottish Opera Chorus
Entführung aus dem Serail 1982
Scottish Opera Chorus
Entführung aus dem Serail 1987
Scottish Opera Chorus
Eugene Onegin 1971
Glyndebourne Chorus
Eugene Onegin 1979
Scottish Opera Chorus
Eugene Onegin 1980
Scottish Opera Chorus
Eugene Onegin 1981
Scottish Opera Chorus
Eugene Onegin 1988
Scottish Opera Chorus
Eugene Onegin 1993
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Euryanthe 2004
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Falstaff 1966
Scottish Opera Chorus
Falstaff 1976
Scottish Opera Chorus
Falstaff 1977
Scottish Opera Chorus
Falstaff 1991
Scottish Opera Chorus
Fanciulla del West 2010
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Fanny Robin 1978
Scottish Opera Chorus
Faust 1964
Scottish Opera Chorus
Faust 1966
Scottish Opera Chorus
Fiddler on the Roof 1979
Scottish Opera Chorus
Fiddler on the Roof 1986
Scottish Opera Chorus
Fidelio 1970
Scottish Opera Chorus
Fidelio 1974
Scottish Opera Chorus
Fidelio 1977
Scottish Opera Chorus
Fidelio 1984
Scottish Opera Chorus
Fidelio 1991
Scottish Opera Chorus
Fidelio 1994
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Fidelio 1996
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Fidelio 2005
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Fidelio 2005
SCO Chorus
Fidelio 2005
Chorus of RSAMD
Fidelio 2022
Philharmonia Voices
Fiery Angel 2017
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Chorus
Fledermaus 1975
Scottish Opera Chorus
Fledermaus 1976
Scottish Opera Chorus
Fledermaus 1979
Scottish Opera Chorus
Fledermaus 1981
Scottish Opera Chorus
Fledermaus 1988
Scottish Opera Chorus
Fledermaus 1989
Scottish Opera Chorus
Fledermaus 1990
Scottish Opera Chorus
Fledermaus 1997
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Fledermaus 2002
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Fliegende Holländer 1987
Scottish Opera Chorus
Fliegende Holländer 1994
RSNO Chorus
Force of Destiny 1990
Scottish Opera Chorus
Force of Destiny 1995
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Freischütz 2004
Philharmonia Chorus
Freunde von Salamanka 1993
Chorus of Scottish Opera
From the House of the Dead 1987
Scottish Opera Chorus
Gala Concert 1985
Scottish Opera Chorus
Gala Concert 1991
Scottish Opera Chorus
German Requiem 1925
Dundee Amateur Choral Union
German Requiem 1950
Chorus of La Scala, Milan
German Requiem 1959
Dundee Choral Union
German Requiem 1972
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
German Requiem 1990
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
German Requiem 1992
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
German Requiem 1997
Dundee Choral Union
German Requiem 2008
Monteverdi Choir
German Requiem 2009
Dundee Choral Union
German Requiem 2011
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
German Requiem 2016
SCO Chorus
German Requiem 2023
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Giovanna d'Arco 1998
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Girl Crazy 1987
Scottish Opera Chorus
Giulio Cesare in Egitto 1992
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Glagolitic Mass 1978
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Glagolitic Mass 1991
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Glagolitic Mass 2022
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Gloria in D major, RV589 1994
Dundee Choral Union
Gloriana 1989
Haddo House Choir
Golden Cockerel 1975
Scottish Opera Chorus
Golden Cockerel 1976
Scottish Opera Chorus
Golden Cockerel 1977
Scottish Opera Chorus
Golden Cockerel 1979
Scottish Opera Chorus
Golden Cockerel 1983
Scottish Opera Chorus
Golden Legend 1889
Dundee Amateur Choral Union
Golden Legend 1930
Dundee Amateur Choral Union
Gondoliers 1968
Scottish Opera Chorus
Gondoliers 1969
Scottish Opera Chorus
Götterdämmerung 1968
Scottish Opera Chorus
Götterdämmerung 1971
Scottish Opera Chorus
Götterdämmerung 2003
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Götterdämmerung 2019
RCS Voices
Greek Passion 1990
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Gurrelieder 1983
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Gurrelieder 1996
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Gurrelieder 1996
Arnold Schoenberg Choir
Gurrelieder 2016
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Hansel and Gretel 1978
Scottish Opera Chorus
Hansel and Gretel 1983
Scottish Opera Chorus
Hansel and Gretel 1996
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Hansel and Gretel 1998
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Hansel and Gretel 2018
NYCoS National Girls Choir
Hedda Gabler 1985
Scottish Opera Chorus
Hermiston 1975
Scottish Opera Chorus
Idomeneo, Re di Creta 1953
Glyndebourne Festival Chorus
Idomeneo, Re di Creta 1983
Scottish Opera Chorus
Idomeneo, Re di Creta 1996
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Idomeneo, Re di Creta 2001
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Idomeneo, Re di Creta 2010
SCO Chorus
Incoronazione di Poppea 1973
Scottish Opera Chorus
Incoronazione di Poppea 2017
Monteverdi Choir
Inés de Castro 1996
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Inés de Castro 1999
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Inés de Castro 2001
Chorus of Scottish Opera
International Celebrity Concert 1927
Dundee Select Choir
Iolanta 2004
RSNO Chorus
Iolanthe 1986
Scottish Opera Chorus
Iolanthe 1988
Scottish Opera Chorus
Iolanthe 1995
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Jacobin 1995
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Jenůfa 1977
Scottish Opera Chorus
Jenůfa 1978
Scottish Opera Chorus
Jenůfa 1989
Scottish Opera Chorus
Jephtha 2016
St Andrews Chorus
Judas Maccabaeus 1887
Dundee Amateur Choral Union
Judas Maccabaeus 1973
EUMS Chorus
Judas Maccabaeus 2009
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Kátya Kabanová 1999
Chorus of Scottish Opera
King Arthur 1889
Broughty Ferry Choral Union
King Arthur 2018
Dundee University Choir
King Olaf 2017
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Kingdom 1935
Dundee Amateur Choral Union
Kingdom 1972
Dundee Choral Union
Kingdom 1994
Dundee Choral Union
Kingdom 2007
Dundee Choral Union
Kingdom 2019
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Kingdom 2019
St Andrews Chorus
Lady in the Dark 1988
Scottish Opera Chorus
Last Supper 2017
BBC Singers
Libuše 1998
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Lied der Nacht 2017
Chorus of the Canongait
Life with an Idiot 1995
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Light of the World 1875
Dundee Amateur Choral Union
Lohengrin (Act 2) 1983
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Lohengrin 2003
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Lohengrin 2003
Philharmonia Chorus
Lucia di Lammermoor 1974
Scottish Opera Chorus
Lucia di Lammermoor 1975
Scottish Opera Chorus
Lucia di Lammermoor 1997
London Voices
Luisa Miller 1998
Royal Opera Chorus
Lustige Witwe 1973
Scottish Opera Chorus
Lustige Witwe 1974
Scottish Opera Chorus
Lustige Witwe 1976
Scottish Opera Chorus
Lustige Witwe 1977
Scottish Opera Chorus
Lustige Witwe 1989
Scottish Opera Chorus
Macbeth 1947
Glyndebourne Festival Chorus
Macbeth 1976
Scottish Opera Chorus
Macbeth 1977
Scottish Opera Chorus
Macbeth 1997
Royal Opera Chorus
Macbeth 1999
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Macbeth 2000
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Macbeth 2003
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Macbeth 2009
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Madam Butterfly 1980
Scottish Opera Chorus
Madam Butterfly 1962
Students from Royal Scottish Academy of Music
Madam Butterfly 1965
Scottish Opera Chorus
Madam Butterfly 1968
Scottish Opera Chorus
Madam Butterfly 1973
Scottish Opera Chorus
Madam Butterfly 1976
Scottish Opera Chorus
Madam Butterfly 1987
Scottish Opera Chorus
Madam Butterfly 1994
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Madam Butterfly 1995
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Madam Butterfly 2000
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Madam Butterfly 2002
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Magic Fountain 1999
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Magnificat in D 2016
SCO Chorus
Mahagonny 1986
Scottish Opera Chorus
Mahagonny 2008
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Makropulos Affair 1993
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Manon Lescaut 1982
Scottish Opera Chorus
Maria Stuarda 1994
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Maria Stuarda 2002
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Martha 1981
Haddo House Choir
Mary, Queen of Scots 1977
Scottish Opera Chorus
Masked Ball 1975
Scottish Opera Chorus
Masnadieri 1998
Royal Opera Chorus
Mass in B minor 1999
Dundee Choral Union
Mass in B minor 2013
Ludus Baroque Choir
Mass in B minor 2013
SCO Chorus
Mass in C major, K317 'Coronation Mass' 1984
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Mass in E flat, D950 1968
Scottish Festival Chorus
Mass in E flat, D950 1993
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Mass no18 in C minor, K427 'Great' 1990
Dundee Choral Union
Mass no18 in C minor, K427 'Great' 1991
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Mass no18 in C minor, K427 'Great' 2014
SCO Chorus
Mass no18 in C Minor, K427 'Great' 2018
SCO Chorus
Mass no3 in F minor, WAB28 1983
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Mass of Life 1984
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Mastersingers of Nuremberg 1976
Scottish Opera Chorus
Mastersingers of Nuremberg 1977
Scottish Opera Chorus
Mastersingers of Nuremberg 1978
Scottish Opera Chorus
Mastersingers of Nuremberg 1983
Scottish Opera Chorus
Mastersingers of Nuremberg 2006
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Mastersingers of Nuremberg 2007
Jubilo Chorus
Medea 1995
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Messa da Requiem 1891
Glasgow Choral Union
Messa da Requiem 1895
Glasgow Choral Union
Messa da Requiem 1903
Mr Mooney's Choir
Messa da Requiem 1931
Dundee Amateur Choral Union
Messa da Requiem 1936
Dundee Amateur Choral Union
Messa da Requiem 1950
Chorus of La Scala, Milan
Messa da Requiem 1959
Dundee Choral Union
Messa da Requiem 1969
New Philharmonia Chorus
Messa da Requiem 1969
Haddo House Choir
Messa da Requiem 1974
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Messa da Requiem 1975
Dundee Choral Union
Messa da Requiem 1982
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Messa da Requiem 1984
Aberdeen Proms Chorus
Messa da Requiem 1988
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Messa da Requiem 1991
Dundee Choral Union
Messa da Requiem 1993
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Messa da Requiem 1993
Dundee Singing Day Chorus
Messa da Requiem 1999
Dundee Choral Union
Messa da Requiem 2000
RSNO Chorus
Messa da Requiem 2008
Dundee Choral Union
Messa da Requiem 2013
Edinburgh Festival Womens' Chorus
Messa da Requiem 2017
Chorus of Teatro Regio Torino
Messa da Requiem 2018
Falkirk Festival Chorus
Messa da Requiem 2021
Dundee Choral Union
Messa da Requiem 2021
St Andrews Chorus
Messa da Requiem 2023
RSNO Chorus
Messa da Requiem 2023
Garleton Singers Choir
Messa da Requiem 2024
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Messa da Requiem 2024
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Messa da Requiem 2024
Cupar Choral Society
Messa da Requiem 2024
Stirling City Choir
Messiah 1958
Dundee Choral Union
Messiah 1959
Dundee Choral Union
Messiah 1960
Dundee Choral Union
Messiah 1974
Dundee Choral Union
Messiah 1982
Dundee Choral Union
Messiah 1990
Dundee Choral Union
Messiah 1992
Dundee Choral Union
Messiah 1998
Dundee Choral Union
Messiah 2001
Dundee Choral Union
Messiah 2004
Dundee Choral Union
Messiah 2007
Dundee Choral Union
Messiah 2009
RSNO Chorus
Messiah 2019
RSNO Chorus
Messiah 2020
RSNO Chorus
Messiah 2020
Edinburgh Royal Choral Union
Messiah 2021
RSNO Chorus
Messiah 2023
RSNO Chorus
Messiah 2024
Dundee Choral Union
Messiah 2024
RSNO Chorus
Messiah 2025
RSNO Chorus
Midsummer Marriage 1988
Scottish Opera Chorus
Midsummer Night's Dream 1982
SNO Junior Chorus
Midsummer Night's Dream 1982
Scottish Opera Chorus
Missa in Angustiis 2024
Dundee Choral Union
Missa Solemnis 1923
Edinburgh Royal Choral Union
Missa Solemnis 1970
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Missa Solemnis 1975
SNO Chorus
Missa Solemnis 1976
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Missa Solemnis 1976
Haddo House Choir
Missa Solemnis 1982
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Missa Solemnis 1983
Dundee Choral Union
Missa Solemnis 2008
City of Glasgow Chorus
Monster 2002
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Moscow 1992
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Moses und Aron 1992
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
New Year 2024
BBC Singers
Niño 2010
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Niño 2010
National Youth Choir of Scotland
Niño 2010
Theatre of Voices
Norma 1842
Chorus of the Theatre Royal, Dublin
Norma 1993
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Norma 1997
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Norma 2016
Swiss Radio and Television Chorus, Lugano
Nozze di Figaro 1947
Glyndebourne Festival Chorus
Nozze di Figaro 1968
Scottish Opera Chorus
Nozze di Figaro 1972
Scottish Opera Chorus
Nozze di Figaro 1973
Scottish Opera Chorus
Nozze di Figaro 1975
Scottish Opera Chorus
Nozze di Figaro 1976
Scottish Opera Chorus
Nozze di Figaro 1977
Scottish Opera Chorus
Nozze di Figaro 1980
Scottish Opera Chorus
Nozze di Figaro 1986
Scottish Opera Chorus
Nozze di Figaro 1986
Perth Festival Chorus
Nozze di Figaro 1987
Scottish Opera Chorus
Nozze di Figaro 1992
Scottish Opera Chorus
Nozze di Figaro 1994
SCO Chorus
Nozze di Figaro 1995
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Nozze di Figaro 1999
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Nozze di Figaro 2000
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Oberon 1985
Scottish Opera Chorus
Oberon 1986
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Oberon 2004
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Oberto, conte di San Bonifacio 1993
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Oedipe 2002
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Oedipus Rex 1986
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Oprichnik 1992
Scottish Opera Chorus
Orfeo 2007
Capella Reial de Catalunya
Orfeo 2017
Monteverdi Choir
Orfeo ed Euridice 1979
Scottish Opera Chorus
Orfeo ed Euridice 1993
Perth Festival Chorus
Orfeo ed Euridice 1996
Handel and Haydn Society, Boston
Orion 1984
Scottish Opera Chorus
Orlando furioso 2007
SCO Chorus
Otello 1963
Scottish Junior Singers
Otello 1963
Scottish Opera Chorus
Otello 1964
Scottish Opera Chorus
Otello 1967
Scottish Opera Chorus
Otello 1972
Scottish Opera Chorus
Otello 1975
Scottish Opera Chorus
Otello 1976
Scottish Opera Chorus
Otello 1977
Scottish Opera Chorus
Owen Wingrave 2014
Choristers of Chelmsford Cathedral
Paradise and the Peri 2023
St Andrews Chorus
Parsifal 1914
Edinburgh Royal Choral Union
Parsifal 2000
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Parsifal 2002
Tölzer Knabenchor
Parsifal 2002
Prague Philharmonic Choir
Parsifal 2002
Arnold Schoenberg Choir
Pearl Fishers 1981
Scottish Opera Chorus
Pearl Fishers 1982
Scottish Opera Chorus
Pearl Fishers 1983
Scottish Opera Chorus
Pearl Fishers 1988
Scottish Opera Chorus
Pearl Fishers 1996
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Pelléas and Mélisande 1962
Students from Royal Scottish Academy of Music
Pelléas and Mélisande 1972
Scottish Opera Chorus
Pelléas and Mélisande 1973
Scottish Opera Chorus
Pelléas and Mélisande 1979
Scottish Opera Chorus
Peter Grimes 1968
Scottish Opera Chorus
Peter Grimes 1973
Scottish Opera Chorus
Peter Grimes 1980
Scottish Opera Chorus
Peter Grimes 1993
Haddo House Choir
Peter Grimes 1994
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Peter Grimes 1997
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Peter Grimes 2017
Bergen Philharmonic Choir
Peter Grimes 2017
Edvard Grieg Kor
Petite Messe Solenelle 2023
Dundee Choral Union
Platée 1997
Royal Opera Chorus
Queen of Spades 1998
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Rake's Progress 1953
Glyndebourne Festival Chorus
Rake's Progress 1967
Scottish Opera Chorus
Rake's Progress 2015
Royal Conservatoire Voices
Regina 1991
Scottish Opera Chorus
Requiem 1970
Stockholm Philharmonic Choir
Requiem 1990
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Requiem 2018
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Requiem in D minor, K626 1950
Chorus of La Scala, Milan
Requiem in D minor, K626 1977
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Requiem in D minor, K626 1986
SNO Chorus
Requiem in D minor, K626 1994
Dundee Choral Union
Requiem in D minor, K626 1997
RSNO Chorus
Requiem in D minor, op48 1989
Dundee Choral Union
Requiem in D minor, op48 1994
SCO Chorus
Requiem in D minor, op48 2000
Dundee Choral Union
Requiem, K626 1991
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Requiem, op48 2024
St Andrews Chorus
Requiem, op5 1989
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Requiem, op5 2024
RSNO Chorus
Requiem, op5 2024
Royal Conservatoire Voices
Resurrection Symphony 1973
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Resurrection Symphony 1983
SNO Chorus
Resurrection Symphony 1986
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Resurrection Symphony 2019
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Resurrection Symphony 2024
RSNO Chorus
Return of Ulysses 2017
Monteverdi Choir
Rigoletto 1979
Scottish Opera Chorus
Rigoletto 1947
Covent Garden Opera Chorus
Rigoletto 1980
Scottish Opera Chorus
Rigoletto 1997
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Rigoletto 2003
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Roméo et Juliette Dramatic Symphony 2016
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Rosenkavalier 1974
Scottish Opera Chorus
Rosenkavalier 1971
Scottish Opera Chorus
Rosenkavalier 1978
Scottish Opera Chorus
Rosenkavalier 1999
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Rosenkavalier 2002
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Ruddigore 2012
Chorus of Opera North
Saint François d' Assise 2001
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Saint Matthew Passion 1981
SNO Junior Chorus
Saint Matthew Passion 1981
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Saint Matthew Passion 2016
Monteverdi Choir
Saint Matthew Passion 2023
Dunedin Consort
Saint Matthew Passion 2024
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Samson 1998
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Samson 2015
Dundee Choral Union
Samson 2018
Dunedin Consort
Samson and Delilah 1895
Glasgow Choral Union
Samson and Delilah 1997
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Šárka 1993
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Saul 1999
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Saul 2022
Choir of The English Concert
Savitri 1978
Scottish Opera Chorus
Sea Drift 1980
Toronto Mendelssohn Choir
Sea Symphony 1981
Haddo House Choir
Sea Symphony 1984
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Sea Symphony 1996
Dundee Choral Union
Sea Symphony 2009
RSNO Chorus
Sea Symphony 2018
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Sea Symphony 2022
Dundee Choral Union
Sea Symphony 2022
St Andrews Chorus
Sea Symphony 2025
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Seasons 2003
Dundee Choral Union
Seasons 2018
St Andrews Chorus
Semele 1933
Dundee Amateur Choral Union
Semele 2005
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Simon Boccanegra 1978
Scottish Opera Chorus
Simon Boccanegra 1979
Scottish Opera Chorus
Solomon 2018
SCO Chorus
Song of Hiawatha 1922
Dundee Amateur Choral Union
Stabat Mater 1891
Chorus of Carl Rosa Opera
Stabat Mater 1984
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Stabat Mater 2016
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Street Scene 1989
Scottish Opera Chorus
Suor Angelica 2025
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Symphony no3 1979
Edinburgh Festival Womens' Chorus
Symphony no3 1979
SNO Junior Chorus
Symphony no3 2022
RSNO Chorus
Symphony no3 2022
RSNO Youth Chorus
Symphony no8 1994
RSNO Chorus
Symphony no8 1994
RSNO Junior Chorus
Symphony no8 2018
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Symphony no8 2018
NYCoS National Girls Choir
Symphony no9 'Choral' 1992
RSO Chorus
Symphony no9 'Choral' 1970
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Symphony no9 'Choral' 1975
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Symphony no9 'Choral' 1983
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Symphony no9 'Choral' 1996
RSNO Chorus
Symphony no9 'Choral' 1999
RSNO Chorus
Symphony no9 'Choral' 2014
SCO Chorus
Symphony no9 'Choral' 2022
RSNO Chorus
Symphony no9 'Choral' 2023
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Taverner 2009
RSNO Junior Chorus
Taverner 2009
RSAMD Chamber Choir
Taverner 2009
University of Glasgow Chapel Choir
Te Deum 1936
Glasgow Choral Union
Te Deum 1981
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Te Deum, op posth. 1989
Dundee Choral Union
Te Deum, op103 1987
Aberdeen Proms Chorus
Te Deum, op103 2024
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Te Deum, op22 1993
RSNO Chorus
Te Deum, op22 1993
RSNO Junior Chorus
Te Deum, op22 2000
Dundee Choral Union
Te Deum, op22 2000
Grove Academy Junior Choir
Thaïs 2011
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Theodora 2015
SCO Chorus
Tosca 1980
Scottish Opera Chorus
Tosca 1986
Scottish Opera Chorus
Tosca 1990
Scottish Opera Chorus
Tosca 1993
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Tosca 1997
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Tosca 1998
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Tosca 2000
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Tosca 2004
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Traviata 2001
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Traviata 1970
Scottish Opera Chorus
Traviata 1971
Scottish Opera Chorus
Traviata 1973
Scottish Opera Chorus
Traviata 1974
Scottish Opera Chorus
Traviata 1981
Scottish Opera Chorus
Traviata 1989
Scottish Opera Chorus
Traviata 1996
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Traviata 1998
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Trial by Jury 1990
SNO Chorus
Tristan und Isolde (Act 1) 2012
RSNO Chorus
Tristan und Isolde 1973
Scottish Opera Chorus
Tristan und Isolde 1994
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Tristan und Isolde 1998
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Tristan und Isolde 2005
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Triumph of Time and Truth 2014
Ludus Baroque Choir
Trojans 1969
Scottish Opera Chorus
Trojans 1972
Scottish Opera Chorus
Trojans 1990
Scottish Opera Chorus
Trojans 2001
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Trovatore 1986
Scottish Opera Chorus
Trovatore 1992
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Trovatore 2001
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Turandot 1984
Scottish Opera Chorus
Turandot 1996
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Turco in Italia 1971
Glyndebourne Chorus
Two Widows 1979
Scottish Opera Chorus
Two Widows 1980
Scottish Opera Chorus
Uthal 1986
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Vanishing Bridegroom 1990
Scottish Opera Chorus
Vesperae solennes 2024
Dundee Choral Union
Vida breve 1958
Cantores de Madrid
Vida breve 1989
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Vie Parisienne 1985
Scottish Opera Chorus
War and Peace 2010
Chorus of RSAMD
War Requiem 1968
Scottish Festival Chorus
War Requiem 1968
Boys of St Mary's Roman Catholic Cathedral Edinburgh
War Requiem 1991
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
War Requiem 2010
RSNO Junior Chorus
War Requiem 2010
RSNO Chorus
War Requiem 2019
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
War Requiem 2019
NYCoS National Girls Choir
War Requiem 2022
RSNO Youth Chorus
War Requiem 2022
RSNO Chorus
Werther 1983
Scottish Opera Chorus
Werther 1986
Scottish Opera Chorus
West Side Story 2019
National Youth Choir of Scotland
William Tell 1992
Haddo House Choir
Wozzeck 1980
Scottish Opera Chorus
Wozzeck 1983
Scottish Opera Chorus
Wozzeck 2014
Choristers of St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh
Wozzeck 2014
BBC Singers
Zauberflöte 1970
Scottish Opera Chorus
Zauberflöte 1971
Glyndebourne Chorus
Zauberflöte 1971
Scottish Opera Chorus
Zauberflöte 1974
Scottish Opera Chorus
Zauberflöte 1974
Scottish Opera Chorus
Zauberflöte 1976
Scottish Opera Chorus
Zauberflöte 1977
Scottish Opera Chorus
Zauberflöte 1983
Scottish Opera Chorus
Zauberflöte 1985
Scottish Opera Chorus
Zauberflöte 1988
Scottish Opera Chorus
Zauberflöte 1998
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Zauberflöte 2001
Lyon Opéra Chorus
Zauberflöte 2003
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Zauberflöte 2004
Chorus of Scottish Opera
Zauberflöte 2006
Arnold Schoenberg Choir
Zauberflöte 2006
Tölzer Knabenchor
Zauberflöte 2023
SCO Chorus
Zelmira 2003
SCO Chorus

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