Opera Scotland

Siegfried 2023Edinburgh Players Opera Group

Read more about the opera Siegfried

The Edinburgh Players here gave the third instalment of their third Ring cycle, returning to Portobello Town Hall after its substantial closure for renovation work.

Most of the singers are familiar.  Jonathan Finney, having sung the leading heldentenor roles in previous years - Tannhäuser, Tristan, Walther, Siegmund, Siegfried and Parsifal, has now, following his Loge in Das Rheingold, settled into the character parts.

Performance Cast

Mime a Nibelung, Siegfried's fosterer

Jonathan Finney

Siegfried son of Siegmund and Sieglinde

Brian Smith Walters

Wanderer Wotan in disguise

Gerrit Paul Groen

Alberich a Nibelung

Oliver Gibbs

Fafner disguised as a dragon

Andrew Greenan


Monica Toll

Erda mother of the Norns and Valkyries

Lydia Shariff

Brünnhilde now a mortal

Kirstin Sharpin

Performance DatesSiegfried 2023

Map List

Town Hall, Portobello | Edinburgh

29 Sep, 11.00

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