Opera Scotland

Alex Reid Suggest updates

Alexander Reid.

Born Perth 1929.

Died 2002.

Scottish designer.

Alex Reid studied at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art in Dundee, then at Dundee College of Education. He followed this with a period as apprentice theatrical costumier and property maker.

Another area of work for Reid was that of exhibition designer. He produced Fact and Fantasy for the Edinburgh International Festival, and, in 1964, the entrance hall tableau for the Scottish Arts Council's Shakespeare Quatercentenary celebration.

Reid's work as costume designer in opera began with productions for Scottish Opera's touring Opera For All company. His work for this group covered eight operas - La traviata, Don Pasquale, Martha, Cinderella, Lucia di Lammermoor, The Fair Maid of Perth, Die Fledermaus and La bohème.

Costume designs for the main company began in 1969 with The Undertaker, moving on to La traviata (he eventually designed four productions for Scottish Opera), The Magic Flute, Otello, The Barber of Seville (twice), Die Fledermaus, Mary Queen of Scots and Rigoletto.

For the Wexford Festival he designed The Barber of Bagdad in 1974, returning for Orfeo ed Euridice.

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