All Companies 451
A la Canto
Aarhus Sommeropera
Aberdeen Choral Society
Aberdeen Gilbert and Sullivan Society
Aberdeen International Youth Festival
Aberdeen Musical Society
Aberdeen University Opera Society
About Turn Theatre Company
Absolute Classics
Aix-en-Provence Festival Opera
Aldeburgh Music
Alhambra Theatre, Glasgow
Alte Oper, Frankfurt
Amande Concerts
American High School Theatre Festival
Andrew Roger
Arbroath Male Voice Choir
Aria Alba - Opera for All
Arthur Rousbey's English Opera Company
Associazione Corale Mutinae Cantores
Attic Collective
Australian Opera
Avalon Promotions Ltd
Ayrshire Opera Experience
Bach Collegium Japan
Bad Habit Theatre
Barony Musical Association
Barry O'Brien and Carl Brisson
Bavarian State Opera, Munich
BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra (BBC SSO)
Bearsden Choir
Beecham Grand Opera Company
Beecham Opera Comique Company
Belgrade Opera
Benjamin Lumley's Italian Opera Company
Berliner Ensemble
Berwick Festival Opera
Birmingham Repertory Company
Blackbird Opera
Bolshoi Opera, Moscow
Borderline Theatre Company
British Federation of Young Choirs
British National Opera Company
British Youth Opera
Broughty Ferry Choral Union
Budapest Festival Orchestra
Budapest Festival Orchestra
Bunkamura, Tokyo
Burns-Crotty Opera
Byre Opera
CalArts Festival Theater
Cambridge University Opera Society
Canadian Opera Company
Cape Town Opera, South Africa
Carl Rosa Carmen Company
Carl Rosa Company
Carl Rosa Opera Company
Castellano Grand Italian Opera
Cat-Like Tread
Celebrity Concert
Chamber Opera Chicago
Chanticleer Opera Company
Chemistry Opera
Chisinau National Opera, Moldova
Chris Moreno Productions
City of Glasgow Chorus
Classical Musicians Scotland
Clive Conway
Clyde Opera Group
Cologne Opera
Comedy Opera Company
Company Chordelia
Company Natalie Cornille
Coro 16
Coro Alba
Corri's Grand English Opera Company
Covent Garden English Opera
Covent Garden Opera
Cowal Music Club
Cromarty Youth Opera
Crowe Ensemble
Cumnock Tryst
D'Oyly Carte Opera Company
D'Oyly Carte Principal Repertoire Company
Daïmon Opera Company
Dallas Symphony Orchestra
Danish Sinfonietta
Daubeny Vienna Operetta
David Douglas
David William Hughes
De Begnis Italian Opera Company
Denhof Opera Company
Derek Block and Blackburn International
Derek Watson
Deutsche Oper am Rhein, Düsseldorf & Duisburg
Deutsche Oper, Berlin
Diva Opera
Dnipro Opera (Ukrainian National Opera)
Donmar Warehouse Productions
Douglas Eley
Drawing-Room Music Society
Dresden State Opera
Dundee Amateur Choral Union
Dundee Amateur Opera Company
Dundee Amateur Operatic Society
Dundee Choral Union
Dundee Operatic Society
Dundee Rep Ensemble
Dundee Repertory Theatre Company
Dundee University Music Society
Dunedin Consort
Dunfermline Gilbert and Sulliivan Society
Eboracum Baroque
Edinburgh Concert Society
Edinburgh Festival Ensemble
Edinburgh Festival Opera
Edinburgh Gilbert & Sullivan Society
Edinburgh Grand Opera
Edinburgh Incidental Orchestra
Edinburgh International Festival
Edinburgh Iranian Festival
Edinburgh Opera Company
Edinburgh Players Opera Group
Edinburgh Royal Choral Union
Edinburgh Singers
Edinburgh Studio Opera
Edinburgh Symphony Orchestra
Edinburgh Theatre Royal Company
Edinburgh University Musical Society
Edinburgh University Opera Club
Edmund Glover's Italian Opera Company
Ellen Kent Productions
English and Continental Comic Opera Company
English Bach Festival
English National Opera
English Opera Group
English Touring Opera
Ensemble Elyma
Ensemble Thing
Epilepsy Scotland
Falkirk Festival Chorus
Festival Euro Mediterraneo
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen
Fife Opera
Fife Youth Arts Classical Opera
Fife Youth Arts Classical Opera
Finnish National Opera
Fires of London
Fox Opera
Frankfurt Opera
Friends of Scottish Opera
Gardyne Theatre, Dundee
Garsington Opera
George Dance's Company
George Edwardes' Company
Georgina Burns Light Opera
Glasgow Amateur Opera Society
Glasgow Choral Union
Glasgow Grand Opera Society
Glasgow University Opera Society
Glyndebourne Festival Opera
Glyndebourne on Tour
Glyndebourne Opera
Glyndebourne Productions
Glyndebourne Touring Opera
Göttingen International Handel Festival
Graeae Theatre Company
Grand English Opera Company
Grand Italian Opera
Gurrini Italian Burletta Company
H M Tennent, Ltd.
Haddo House Choral & Operatic Society
Hamburg State Opera
Handel at Hopetoun
Hanover Staatsoper
Hans Gál Society
Harold Holt
Harrison Concerts
Hebrides Ensemble
Helios Chamber Opera
Her Majesty's Italian Opera
Heritage Opera
Houston Grand Opera
Hungarian State Opera, Budapest
Illyria Outdoor Theatre
International Celebrity Concert
International Celebrity Recital
Isifuera S.L.
Iskoldoff Italian Opera Company
Italian Opera Company
Italian Operatic Company
J Bannister Howard's Company
J W Turner's English Opera Company
Jack Hulbert and Paul Murray
Jack Hylton Ltd
Judith Howarth and Gordon Wilson
Julian Wagstaff
Jutland Opera, Aarhus
Kellie Consort
Kent Opera
Kirkcaldy Gilbert & Sullivan Society
Kirov Opera, Leningrad
Komische Oper, Berlin
Ladybank and District Choral Union
Lammermuir Festival
Landmark Productions
Le Petit Verre
Ledlanet Nights
Les Arts Florissants
Leuchie on the Lawn
Lionel Powell
Louise Geller and Alex Norton
Ludus Baroque
Macdonald and Young
MacRobert Centre, Stirling University
Macrobert Stirling University
Madame Grisi & Signor Mario
Madame Lancia's Grand English Opera Company
Magnetic North Theatre Productions
Magnetic Opera
Magnone and Wishart Music
Mahler Players
Mahogany Opera
Maly Theatre, Leningrad
Mariinsky Opera, St Petersburg
Mark Morris Dance Group
Mastersingers Company
Max Mossel Concerts
Melanie Gall
Melos Opera
Mermaids Performing Arts Fund
Messrs Morell & Mouillot's Company
Messrs Paterson & Sons
Metropolitan Opera
Midsummer Opera
Moody-Manners Opera Company
Mr Adams' Theatrical Company
Mr Beale's Italian Opera Company
Mr Calcraft's English Opera Company
Mr Calcraft's Italian Opera Company
Mr Charles Bernard's Company
Mr Charles Wyndham's and Mr D'Oyly Carte's Opera Company
Mr D'Oyly Carte's American Opera Company
Mr E L Knapp's Comic Opera Company
Mr Henry Leslie's London Company
Mr Horace Lingard's Comic Opera Company
Mr Horn's Company
Mr Mitchell's Italian Opera Buffa Company
Mr Moonie's Choir
Mr R Courteidge's No1 Company
Mr R D'Oyly Carte's 'A' Touring Company
Mr R D'Oyly Carte's Continental Mikado Company
Mr R D'Oyly Carte's Opera Company
Mr R D'Oyly Carte's Principal Repertoire Company
Mr R D'Oyly Carte's Touring Company
Mr Wood's Edinburgh Italian Opera
Mr Wyndham's Italian Opera Company
Music Co-OPERAtive Scotland
Music Co-OPERAtive Scotland at Cottier Chamber Project
Music Theatre Ensemble
Music Theatre Wales
Naked Opera
Nanjing University of the Arts
Nash Ensemble
National Light Opera Company
National Opera Studio
National Theatre Company
National Theatre, Prague
New London Consort
New Opera Group
New Opera in Scotland Events (NOISE)
New Sadler's Wells Opera
Nova Music Opera Ensemble
O'Mara Grand Opera Company
Open Bodies for Opera (OBFO)
Opera '61
Opera à la Carte
Opera Alba
Opera Allegra
Opera and Ballet International
Opera Australia
Opera Bamba
Opera Bohemia
Opera Boys
Opera Breve
Opera Camerata
Opera Circus
Opéra de Lyon
Opéra de Tours
Opera dei Lumi
Opera della Luna
Opera East Lothian
Opera Eos
Opera Festival Scotland
Opera Festival Scotland
Opera for Europe
Opera Group
Opera Holloway
Opéra National de Lyon
Opera National de Paris' Childrens' Choir
Opera North
Opera North Youth Company
Opera Novella
Opera on a Shoestring
Opera Project
Opera Restor'd
Opera Scotland
Opera Theatre Company
Opera Theatre of St Louis
Opera'r Ddraig
Opéra-Comique, Paris
Orchestra of Scottish Opera
Orpheus Club
Paisley Opera
Paisley Opera Project
Palmer and Hall Music
Perth Choral Society
Perth Festival
Perth Festival Opera
Perth Playhouse
Perthshire Opera
Petersham Playhouse
Phoenix Opera
Pina Bausch Tanztheater, Wuppertal
Pitlochry Festival Theatre
Platt and Eaton Company
Pola Jones
Pollokshields Philharmonic Society
Princes Players Productions
Princess of Trébizonde Opera Bouffe Company
Quinlan Opera Company
Raucous Rossini
Raymond Gubbay
Red Note Ensemble
Richter Orchestra
Robert Cunningham Opera Company
Robert Meadmore
Rocket Opera
Rollo Balmain's Opera Company
Royal College of Music
Royal College of Physicians
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland
Royal Danish Opera, Copenhagen
Royal English Opera Company
Royal Italian Opera Company
Royal Lyceum Theatre Company
Royal Opera
Royal Opera, Covent Garden
Royal Opera, Stockholm
Royal Scottish Academy of Music
Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama (RSAMD)
Royal Scottish National Orchestra
Royal Scottish Orchestra
Russian National Opera
Russian Opera and Ballet Company
Russian State Opera, Komi
Ryedale Festival Opera
Sadler's Wells Opera
Salzburg Festival
Schiller Theatre Company, Berlin
Schütz Consort of London
Scots Opera Project
Scottish Chamber Orchestra
Scottish Consort
Scottish Early Music Consort
Scottish National Opera Company
Scottish National Orchestra
Scottish Opera
Scottish Opera for All
Scottish Opera Young Company
Scottish Opera, MIF and Improbable
Scottish Opera-Go-Round
Scottish Orchestra
Scottish Sinfonia
Scottish Youth Opera
Shadwell Opera, University of Cambridge
Shanghai Peking Opera Troupe
Slovak National Opera, Bratislava
Soldene English and Comic Opera Company
South African Music Group
St Andrews Chamber Opera Group
St Andrews Chorus
St Andrews G&S Society
St Andrews Opera
St Andrews University
St Andrews Voices
St Magnus Festival
St Magnus International Festival
Stirling City Choir
Stollery and Yule
Strathaven Choral Society
Stuttgart State Opera
Summerhall Lectures
Swansea City Opera
Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra
Sydney Hill's Royal English Opera Company
Tayside Opera
Teatro alla Scala, Milan
Teatro alla Scala, Milan (Piccola Scala)
Teatro Comunale, Florence
Teatro la Zarzuela, Madrid
Teatro Massimo, Palermo
Teatro Real, Madrid
Teatro Regio, Turin
Teatro San Carlo, Naples
Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord, Paris
Théâtre des Champs-Elysées, Paris
Theatre of Sound
Theatre Royal Company
Theatre Royal Drury Lane Ltd
Thomas Quinlan's Musical Bureau
Tom Arnold
Touring Opera 58
Ukrainian National Opera, Kharkiv
Ukrainian National Opera, Odessa
Universal Grand Opera Company
University of Dundee Continuing Education
University of Glasgow | Department of Adult & Continuing Education
University of St Andrews G&S Society
University of St Andrews Opera Society
Upload Opera
Valencia Opera
Victor Hochhauser
Vlaamse Opera, Antwerp & Ghent
Voice Horizons
Voices St Andrews Festival
Wagner Society of Scotland
Washington Opera
Wee Three Tenors
Welsh National Opera
Western Theatre Ballet
William Greet's Company
Zurich Opera
Zurich Vocal Academy