Opera Scotland

UK Opera in crisis?

Posted 27 Nov 2022

For a variety of reasons we find we are passing through the darkest of times for our economies and lives. For all the fine words about building growth and adding value, it would be a strange strategy that immediately started by taking an axe to our strengths.

Yet with effect from 4 November, English National Opera, Welsh National Opera and Glyndebourne Touring Opera have been presented with savage cuts to central government funding. Why are the arts in general, and opera in particular, under such attack? The arts are recognized worldwide as one of the major achievements of British culture. Two of these at least affect cultural provision outside London. The arts also represent a major contributor to the well-being and health of society at large.

Surely what anyone with half a brain should do is invest in building new activity first, letting what works well continue. We can do no better than repeat what Scottish Opera tweeted as a message of support:

“The Arts Council England announced cuts to our opera family last week and it would appear to us that there was both a lack of transparency and clear strategy in the decision process.

This news is, without a doubt, heart-breaking for the sector and devastating for the hundreds of individuals whose jobs across the UK are affected, as well as for opera audiences and supporters. These are critical times for the cultural landscape of our nations.

Please join us in signing  @E_N_O's petition: https://www.change.org/p/reinstate-the-english-national-opera-s-ace-funding-immediately-a2c61aac-4331-4673-ba2f-ab14514caf77  “


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