Opera Scotland

Tribute to John Calder

Posted 30 Mar 2014

That remarkable man, publisher John Calder, the Scots-Canadian who has contributed so much to the arts scene in Scotland, is now in his late eighties. One of those who thinks his contribution desrves a tribute - indeed a celebration - is Gill Parry of Connectfilm, and she has therefore led efforts to bring about a weekend of events at the Traverse Theatre on Friday 18 and Saturday 19 April.

However great Calder's contribution to literature is, it should not be allowed to overshadow his contribution to opera, music theatre and the performing arts demonstrated by the remarkable arts festival he started in 1963, Ledlanet Nights.  John has given OperaScotland a number of interviews as we've pieced together for the first time a full list of performances given at Ledlanet, and started to collect memories from performers and audience members alike.

Click though here for the interview, and then for more details and to book tickets here.


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