Opera Scotland

Scottish Opera's New Season 2024-25

Posted 5 Jul 2024

Scottish Opera promise one world premiere, five new productions and one major revival.  They begin with a new staging of Stravinsky's Oedipus Rex at the Edinburgh International Festival. The other new productions include long overdue second looks at Albert Herring and The Makropulos Affair.  There are also two operettas, The Merry Widow and Trial by Jury.  The latter starts a double bill with the new comic work,  A Matter of Misconduct! - music by Toby Hession and text by Emma Jenkins.  There are also concerts of extracts in the 'Collection' series - excerpts by Puccini and Strauss.  We also have a new piece, RED for the young company, as well as the usual Highlights and Pop Up tours.  What is missing, presumably for financial reasons, is the established series of rare operas in concert - maybe next year?


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